Python USGS Flow Data API Wrapper

At a hackathon I helped put on in 2012, I wrote a Python wrapper for USGS’ water data for the nation flow data API that provides native Python objects based on requests for water flow data at USGS gage locations. While the wrapper still works, today, I recommend...

Vote Climate Change

During the 2012 election cycle, I was a fellow with the Roosevelt Institute’s Pipeline program – as part of this fellowship, I built a web application to show electoral support for climate change action to show that climate is an “election...

Batch Variable Extraction (Sierra Meadows)

For our Sierra Nevada Meadows Database project that catalogued more than 17,000 meadows in the Sierra Nevada, I built two pieces of software that extracted environmental parameters relevant to each meadow. The software: Determined the outlet point of each meadow...

Time Lapse Hydrography (Streamlapse)

Time Lapse Hydrography – Tuolumne and Clavey Rivers 2012 with Temperatures from Center for Watershed Sciences on Vimeo. Our office put out time lapse cameras and data loggers on many rivers in California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains in an attempt to capture...

Recyclable Items Database

One major barrier to more effective recycling is consumer confusion on what can be recycled in their bins at home. With Environmental Consumer, I set out to build a database of recycling information for cities in the United States. We started with the top 25 cities by...