Preserving Properties of Data with Projections

I’m the instructor for the Coursera Specialization in GIS. This video is one of many in a series that teaches the core concepts of projections and coordinate systems to students, to help them understand how we display and manage data about a (near-)sphere on a...

Separating Data, Part 1

I’m the instructor for the Coursera Specialization in GIS. This video is an introduction to the core concepts of databases with which users of GIS should be familiar. In the video, and the second video that continues the topic, I show how to design data tables...

The Spatial Join

I’m the instructor for the Coursera Specialization in GIS. In this video, I showed the students how to use one of the core tools (and concepts) of GIS – and my personal favorite tool – the Spatial Join. See the rest of the course – Fundamentals...

Data Representation in GIS

I’m the instructor for the Coursera Specialization in GIS. This video is used in the first course to help students understand that GIS data is a representation of the real world, but that we lose information in that translation. In it, I draw on a tablet to...

A First Look at Using Desktop GIS

I’m the instructor for the Coursera Specialization in GIS. This video is one of the introductory videos to explain what GIS is and what it can do, helping everyone get on the same page before teaching the core skills and knowledge. See the rest of the course...