Amaptor – compatibility layer

I write a lot of spatial data analysis code using ArcGIS’s Python package, arcpy. Sometimes we need to automate map generation as part of that work, but with the split of the arcpy.mapping library between ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro, developers had to target two...

Things I learned at work today

Had a couple interesting problems to solve today that I thought I’d note here. One was with a Python library not getting loaded correctly, and the other with some bulk email for a client going to spam. These are as much notes for me as for anyone else, so no...

Python USGS Flow Data API Wrapper

At a hackathon I helped put on in 2012, I wrote a Python wrapper for USGS’ water data for the nation flow data API that provides native Python objects based on requests for water flow data at USGS gage locations. While the wrapper still works, today, I recommend...