Ansible Deploys from Windows Using WSL, Hyper-V, and Vagrant

So, I want to manage my infrastructure with Ansible and test deploys with Vagrant, but I’m running Windows as my development machine, which is unsupported by Ansible. This is relatively straightforward if we use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), but has a few...

Things I learned at work today

Had a couple interesting problems to solve today that I thought I’d note here. One was with a Python library not getting loaded correctly, and the other with some bulk email for a client going to spam. These are as much notes for me as for anyone else, so no...

MODIS Imagery Bookmarklets

A few years ago, I wrote some bookmarklets for quickly viewing recent MODIS satellite images – I’ve now moved their hosting here Just drag the links below into your bookmarks or onto your bookmarks bar to save them. Then click them to access the...