OpenAg is a hydroeconomic decision support application that builds on modeling from Josue Medellin-Azuara’s Water Systems Management Lab. Josue conceptualized a decision support application that would allow people to run numerous scenarios for agriculture across a region or state and compare the results.
We started with a Python model, which I converted to be a package that could run on demand. I paired it with an API and data management system built with Django and Django REST Framework and then built a frontend for rapid decision support using Vue.js and Vuetify. The application is deployed and managed with Ansible.
We deployed datasets for Washington State and the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta for full modeling and decision support in the application, as well as a set of model results for California’s Central Valley.
For more information on features and application documentation, see the project’s website at https://agimpacts.org. We expect that a public version of California’s Central Valley model run results will be available for viewing in 2024.