Batch Variable Extraction (Sierra Meadows)

For our Sierra Nevada Meadows Database project that catalogued more than 17,000 meadows in the Sierra Nevada, I built two pieces of software that extracted environmental parameters relevant to each meadow. The software: Determined the outlet point of each meadow...
Coshawk Land Restoration Decision Support

Coshawk Land Restoration Decision Support

The Center for Watershed Sciences had a project to model various scenarios for land restoration in the Cosumnes River floodplain, largely in the context of the Swainson’s Hawk. Toward the end of the project, we wanted to develop a decision support tool to help...

Recyclable Items Database

One major barrier to more effective recycling is consumer confusion on what can be recycled in their bins at home. With Environmental Consumer, I set out to build a database of recycling information for cities in the United States. We started with the top 25 cities by...