OpenAg – Hydroeconomic Optimization and Decision Support

OpenAg – Hydroeconomic Optimization and Decision Support

OpenAg is a hydroeconomic decision support application that builds on modeling from Josue Medellin-Azuara’s Water Systems Management Lab. Josue conceptualized a decision support application that would allow people to run numerous scenarios for agriculture across...

Fish Species Range Downscaling

As part of my master’s thesis, I needed stream-reach scale fish presence information as part of estimating environmental benefit within an evolutionary algorithm. I designed a simple, species-specific downscaling algorithm that translated a species presence...
Yampa River Flow Regulation Map

Yampa River Flow Regulation Map

Yampa-Green-River Flow RegulationThe full 50 inch wide print layout, designed to be used in presentations that zoom in on specific locations Yampa Green Flow Regulation 8 1/2 x 11 Print LayoutA figure adapted for 8 1/2 x 11 printing and use in papers and reports For a...