Yampa River Flow Regulation Map

Yampa River Flow Regulation Map

Yampa-Green-River Flow RegulationThe full 50 inch wide print layout, designed to be used in presentations that zoom in on specific locations Yampa Green Flow Regulation 8 1/2 x 11 Print LayoutA figure adapted for 8 1/2 x 11 printing and use in papers and reports For a...
PISCES range map updates 2017/2018

PISCES range map updates 2017/2018

Final map for publication ranges blended onto hillshade Northern coastal roach range Clear lake roach rnage Northern roach range Southern coastal roach range Mountain whitefish range Northern California coast summer steelhead range In 2017 and 2018, I utilized our...
Hurricane Harvey Flooding Extent

Hurricane Harvey Flooding Extent

After Hurricane Harvey hit, the Natural Hazards Research Group wanted to assess the extent of the flooding as it related to mapped floodplains, as part of ongoing research into flood insurance and hazard mitigation nationwide to inform the National Flood Insurance...

Watershed Analysis in GIS: A Spatial Workbook

I receive a number of requests for additional instruction from former students who have taken one class or another. I decided to combine my tutorials for water and ecosystem analysis in ArcGIS into a single book on LeanPub, which allows for work in progress...
Hazus Flood Modelling

Hazus Flood Modelling

I led a team of people using FEMA’s Hazus-MH (Multi-Hazard) software to model flood risk to 2 dozen Illinois communities as part of a larger project to measure perceived vs actual risk of flood in those communities. Hazus can be finicky software, so we tried...